Master the Art of Intention: 10 Techniques for Better Results
Discover ten evidence based strategies to improve your ability to manifest intentions.
Surprising research suggests mind-matter interaction works backwards in time: Instead of mental intention pushing forward to influence random events, desired outcomes may pull backwards through time to arrange their causes. Mind over matter or retrocausation?
Can human consciousness influence electronic systems? A strange 1996 patent from Princeton's PEAR lab describes a device that detects statistical anomalies in random numbers - supposedly caused by human intention - and uses them to control physical objects.
Can human intention influence the behavior of random physical systems? For 12 years, a team of researchers documented something that shouldn't be possible: human consciousness seemingly affecting random physical systems at a quantum level.
From the department of CIA sponsored psychic research.
I’ll take “Devices that I’ve built that I’m too afraid to use” for 200 please, Alex.
Mind Over Matter: Unraveling the Mysteries of Consciousness and Random Events
What if your mind alone could influence a device?
The light is green and you're feeling psychic.
Tune in to your psychic circadian rhythm.
The nice thing about a device without mechanical parts is the simplicity in building one.