Master the Art of Intention: 10 Techniques for Better Results
Discover ten evidence based strategies to improve your ability to manifest intentions.
Transcend your reality. The complete transcription of the US Army INSCOM assessment of the Monroe Institute's Gateway Process
Opening the inner eye with Brion Gysin's stroboscopic Dreammachine.
Reflecting on the first art object designed to be viewed...with eyes closed
Have we already received communication from extraterrestrials?
Reimagining communication through sight and sound
From the department of CIA sponsored psychic research.
I’ll take “Devices that I’ve built that I’m too afraid to use” for 200 please, Alex.
Can plants affect the ordering of random numbers? Can they bend probability to give them an edge in their growth?
Mind Over Matter: Unraveling the Mysteries of Consciousness and Random Events
Choice. The problem is choice.