Master the Art of Intention: 10 Techniques for Better Results
Discover ten evidence based strategies to improve your ability to manifest intentions.
Surprising research suggests mind-matter interaction works backwards in time: Instead of mental intention pushing forward to influence random events, desired outcomes may pull backwards through time to arrange their causes. Mind over matter or retrocausation?
Can human intention influence the behavior of random physical systems? For 12 years, a team of researchers documented something that shouldn't be possible: human consciousness seemingly affecting random physical systems at a quantum level.
The controversial world of extrasensory perception (ESP) has long been a topic of debate. With all the studies done, few have examined it from the lens of environmental factors. An interesting connection has recently been made between ESP and geomagnetic activity (GMA).
What if there was a scientific connection between your ability to sense information beyond normal means—like extrasensory perception (ESP)—based on the position of the stars?
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Sound that alters your brain? Dive into the science of binaural beats and discover if these auditory illusions can really change your mental state. The truth may surprise you.
Transcend your reality. The complete transcription of the US Army INSCOM assessment of the Monroe Institute's Gateway Process
Reflecting on the first art object designed to be viewed...with eyes closed
From the department of CIA sponsored psychic research.