Master the Art of Intention: 10 Techniques for Better Results
Discover ten evidence based strategies to improve your ability to manifest intentions.
Discover ten evidence based strategies to improve your ability to manifest intentions.
Listcles. The internet loves listicles.
To that end, I've compiled a list of ten evidence based strategies to improve your ability to manifest your intentions. As a bonus I've also included several external or environmental factors that appear to influence effectiveness as well.
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Audio companion to this article below.
Here's the background: I recently read Lynne McTaggart's excellent The Intention Experiment which presents a collection of scientific studies exploring the impact of consciousness and intention on physical reality.
The book is a great read and presents compelling research suggesting that thoughts are a form of energy capable of influencing matter, transcending time and space, and even affecting other living organisms.
McTaggart explores topics that include experiments on remote mental influence, healing, and the effects of group intention. She proposes that focused intention, coupled with specific techniques, can significantly alter physical outcomes and even modify the environment. Ultimately, the book encourages readers to participate in a large-scale experiment to further investigate these claims.
My top 10 list is just a summary of some of the specific techniques that McTaggart suggests. I highly recommend purchasing the book if you want to learn more about the supporting research, the specifics about what's recommended and why it seems to work.
This next section includes the ten strategies to improve you ability to manifest intentions. If you're not a member already - sign-up for access and help support this site!